Enrollment in a drama class is not required to participate in a production. Auditions are open to all LHHS students.
Play Production - FallPrerequisite: Teacher Recommendation
Students study all activities involved in producing a play. These include script analysis, scenic design, set construction, scenery painting, prop and wardrobe management, and the development of lighting and sound plots. The off-stage aspects include house management, publicity, playbill design, ticket sales, and business activities. After school work is required. Students may re-enroll in the course with permission. |
Musical Theatre - Fall & SpringPrerequisite: Teacher Recommendation
The course is offered in conjunction with the production of a major Broadway musical show by the combined efforts of the Performing Arts department. It culminates in several public performances. For performers there is an emphasis on training in voice techniques, singing techniques, movement for the stage, dance and acting for the musical theater. For theater technicians, students may elect to be on the stage management or technical theater emphasis in the class. These students will study set construction, set painting, sound design, props construction, costume construction and make-up design. Students develop a general knowledge of the origins and literature of musical theater. |